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Improving Alumni Outcomes Through Financial Literacy, Now

YOU INC gives students the tools to manage their personal finances before leaving college, which gives them a significant edge over peers who don't have a solid framework for managing their money.

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You've equipped them academically... 

But are your students prepared to budget, save, pay taxes, avoid debt, and build wealth?

Financial pressure often affects academic performance


32% of students reported neglecting coursework because of money stress


Students are increasingly worried about their finances after graduation


70% of students are stressed about finances

What College Administrators are Saying

I have received stunning testimonials from students years after they've participated in the course, saying that it helped set them up for financial success in a way that otherwise would never have happened. I can't recommend them strongly enough. They're just great, honest, altruistic people, and I've seen the benefit of what they offer students firsthand.




Director, HEOP 

Union College

union college
Self-guided courses
Online Learning

Students can register and learn at their own pace at any time. Our videos, assignments, slide decks, and interactive activities make self-learning enjoyable and effective.

Virtual Live Sessions
Man Using a Tablet

All of our sessions feature scheduled live events where students can get more insight while discussing topics directly with instructors.  

Live Coaching
Online Course

A robust coaching platform where we help students build a plan and track and highlight milestones, marking their progress through their financial transformation.

One-Day Financial Wellness Boot Camp 

This financial wellness workshop is our signature boot camp program condensed into one day. This full-day event is fun, engaging, and full of practical steps on how to live your best financially fit life.

Participants will learn to nurture a wealthy mindset and leave with a game plan on building up a healthy savings account, getting out of debt, wealth-building, and budgeting.

Budget Like a Boss - Short Workshop

This financial wellness workshop gives a brief overview of the steps outlined in our signature boot camp. The focus of this workshop is two-fold: a financially smart paradigm shift and learning how treat your household finances as a business. 


Only 1 in 3 households make a detailed budget despite it being pivotal to financial success. This workshop will leave you with the tools and confidence to create a budget that you can live on. This is a skill that will serve you well all the days of your life.

6-Day Money Matters Bootcamp

This financial wellness workshop is our signature boot camp program. This 6-day event is the most immersive for participants because everyone engages in deep conversation and builds relationships throughout the program.

Participants learn the same skills as the 1-day event, however, there are added homework assignments and increased accountability to stay on track. Participants actively practice budgeting and are coached during the class.

“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

Winston Churchill

Ready to start your financial literacy growth journey?

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